- Determine the location for the placement of the Product Link. Before you weld or before you drill, check that the location will not invalidate the structure certification for the following items: ROPS, FOPS and other protective structures. Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS6929, "Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) and Attachment Installation Guidelines" as well as any other published guidelines that are specific for a serial number.
- Do NOT install the unit in the following locations:
- Do not attach to the underside of the machine.
- Do not attach in a location that obstructs the view of the operator.
- Do not attach to the ROPS by drilling holes through the structure.
- Do not attach to the ROPS by welding to the structure.
- Do not attach to the roof, unless no other location is available.
- Do not attach if there is any exposure to water.
- Do not attach with connectors that point upward in order to avoid collecting water.
- Do not attach to a location that is subject to abrasion by debris.
- Do not attach in the engine compartment unless the factory is in approval.
- Do not attach to the underside of the machine.
- When you select the location, remember the following consideration:
- The Product Link Module will be connected to an antenna that is mounted on the roof. Keep the routing of the cable in mind. The length of the antenna cable is 6.07 m (20 ft) or 0.91 m (3 ft).
- The antenna cable must not be routed near the exhaust system.
- The antenna cable must not be bent sharply.
- The Product Link Module will be connected to an antenna that is mounted on the roof. Keep the routing of the cable in mind. The length of the antenna cable is 6.07 m (20 ft) or 0.91 m (3 ft).
Show/hide tableStructural damage, an overturn, modification, alteration, or improper repair can impair this structure's protection capability thereby voiding this certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the structure. Consult a AVSpare dealer to determine this structure's limitations without voiding its certification.
- Determine if the shock mounting will be used. Shock mounting is required on all track-type vehicles. On all other machines, shock mounts are not required if the unit is being installed in a cab that has shock mounts. If the unit is being installed outside the cab or if the cab does not have shock mounts, the shock mounts must be used.
- Do NOT install the unit in the following locations:
- If the mounting location is thick metal or if drilling holes is not desired, attach the four 4E-8266 Bosses in the pattern that is shown in Illustration 3. Note the different measurements for non-shock mounted units. If the mounting location is not metal or if drilling holes is easy, drill four 6.35 mm (0.25 inch) holes through the mounting surface.
Illustration 1 | g00695514 |
Installation with shock mounts (sample) |
Illustration 2 | g00695517 |
Sample installation location on shock-mounted cab |
Illustration 3 | g00658132 |
Dimensions For Attaching Weld Bosses For The Product Link |
- Assemble the shock mounting components. Push a 8C-5607 Mount (1) into the 15 mm (0.59 inch) hole in each side of the 170-9198 Plate (2). Slide a 8C-5608 Spacer (3) inside the two mounts. Repeat this procedure for the remaining three holes.
Illustration 4 | g00656866 |
Shock Mounting (1) 8C-5607 Mount (2) 170-9198 Plate (3) 8C-5608 Spacer |
- Attach the mounting plates to the Product Link Module by using screws (4) .
Illustration 5 | g00657475 |
- Place the washer on top of the mounts and slide the long bolt through the mounts. Bolt the Product Link module to the previously attached weld bosses. If you are not using weld bosses, then bolt the Product Link module to the machine. Attach the ground strap to the nearest mounting bolt as shown in illustration 8.
Illustration 6 | g00657481 |
Illustration 7 | g00657485 |
Side View Of Properly Assembled Shock Mounting (With Attached Weld Boss) |
Illustration 8 | g00707041 |
Fastening Of Ground Strap On Shock-Mounted Installation |
- Determine the location where the antenna assembly will be mounted. Refer to the following guidelines when you are selecting the location:
- The antenna should be mounted on the top of the cab with a clear view of the sky.
- Mounting the antenna directly to a metal roof is preferred in order to provide a good antenna ground plane.
- Performance of the antenna is enhanced if the antenna is mounted in the middle of the roof.
- Do NOT modify the ROPS when you attach the antenna.
- Do NOT install the antenna where falling debris may cause damage to the assembly.
- In certain operating environments the antenna may need to be mounted in a protected location. The antenna must still have a clear view of the sky.
Before you weld or before you drill, confirm that the mounting location will not invalidate any structural certificates for the following items: ROPS, FOPS and other protective structures. Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS6929, "Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) and Attachment Installation Guidelines" as well as any other serial number-specific guidelines that have been published.
After you select the mounting location for the antenna, verify the antenna cable routing before you actually mount the antenna. Refer to the following guidelines when you are routing the antenna cables:
- Secure the antenna wire harness at least every 457 mm (18 inches).
- Do not route the antenna wires near any source of extreme heat (exhaust).
- Do not route the antenna wires where the wires would be subject to abrasion.
- Do not subject the antenna wires to sharp bends.
- Do NOT attempt to shorten the antenna wires. Coil the wiring and properly secure any excess wiring from the antenna.
- A 207-6136 Plate (Mounting) is available that can be configured in order to fit the machine. If this mount is not suitable, a bracket may be fabricated in order to mount the antenna. An example of an installation with a fabricated bracket is shown in illustration 9.
Show/hide tableStructural damage, an overturn, modification, alteration, or improper repair can impair this structure's protection capability thereby voiding this certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the structure. Consult a AVSpare dealer to determine this structure's limitations without voiding its certification.
- After you attach the base of the antenna to the machine, prepare the whip antenna. The set screw in the base of the whip antenna has 154-9731 Thread Lock Compound applied. Turn the set screw into the antenna until 5 mm (0.197 inch) remains. This is shown in illustration 10. In order to turn the set screw, roll back the rubber coating from the antenna. Hold the antenna securely as shown in illustration 11.
Show/hide tableIllustration 10 g00810457
Show/hide tableIllustration 11 g00810459
- Roll the rubber coating back down the antenna. Ensure that the o-ring is place. Apply 4C-4030 Thread Lock Compound to the set screw and attach the whip antenna to the antenna base.
- Connect the antenna cables (9) to the Product Link Module. The ends of the antenna wires are unique and cannot be improperly connected.
Show/hide tableIllustration 12 g00810485
Antenna Wires (9) Properly Connected To The Product Link Module
- The antenna should be mounted on the top of the cab with a clear view of the sky.
Illustration 9 | g00807152 |
(5) Antenna for fastened installation (6) Fabricated bracket |
- Route the wiring from the Product Link Module to the locations of the final wiring connections. Use the schematic in illustration 13 as a guide in addition to the following steps. Remember the following points when you are routing the wiring:
- Secure the harness at least every 457 mm (18 inches).
- The wiring may also be additionally secured to the clip by using a tie-strap.
- Do not route the wiring near any source of extreme heat (exhaust).
- Do not route the wiring where the wires would be subject to abrasion.
- Do not subject the wiring to sharp bends.
- Trim the wires to the appropriate length.
Note: As shown in illustration 13, wire 170-RD is available in the AVS data link harness (contact 7) or at contact 1. Connect ONE of these wires by using the most convenient harness for your particular installation. Similarly, wire 229-BK is available in the AVS data link harness (contact 8) or at contact 2. Connect ONE of these wires by using the most convenient harness for your particular installation. The wires that are not used must be properly terminated and secured.
Note: Some new machines may be manufactured with an installation location and wiring harness provided. This means a mounting location has been provided for the module and the antenna. An electrical connector may be provided for adding the Product Link. Refer to the machine Electrical System Schematic for this information. If a connector is provided, modify the supplied Product Link cable as required for proper mating.
On machines that require a retrofit (non-factory) installation, the following guidelines should be followed for splicing into existing wiring.
- Reference the machine schematics for the required signals.
- Attempt to keep all connections in the same vicinity.
- Choose splice locations that are protected from stress including the following types of stress: Heat, Contaminants, Debris, Moisture, Sunlight and Excessive Motion.
- Types of connections are shown in the following list. The list is ordered by preference:
- Spade terminals added to existing connection lugs.
Show/hide tableIllustration 14 g00658381
- Four ready-made Y-splices ( 207-3814 Wire ) are included in the installation kit. A sample of the ready-made splice is shown in illustration 15. Remove the machine harness wires (2) from an existing connector. Add a connector (3) and the splices (4). Insert the ends of the splices into the existing machine harness connector at the location formerly occupied by the machine harness wires (2) .
Show/hide tableIllustration 15 g00751144
(1) Wires from Product Link harness
(2) Wires from machine harness
(3) Added connector from 175-3700 DT Connector Service Kit
(4) Two ready-made splices from installation kit
- A solder splice (5) covered with adhesive lined heat shrink (6) may also be used.
Show/hide tableIllustration 16 g00664375
- The 115-8109 Splice can be used. Do not use the 115-8109 Splice if there is a possibility of exposure to petroleum products. An alternative is the 136-4877 Splice .
Show/hide tableIllustration 17 g00656896
- Secure the harness at least every 457 mm (18 inches).
Illustration 13 | g00657030 |
System Schematic For Product Link |
- Connect wire 170-RD-18 to a source of unswitched power (+Battery). Refer to the machine schematic for the proper location to find +Battery. This must be unswitched power after the machine power disconnect switch. The connection must be fused at approximately 10 amps by one of the following methods: Separate 8D-8719 in-line fuse or a machine fuse.
If you are using an existing machine fuse, verify that the addition of Product Link does not overload the circuit. The Product Link is 250 mA nominal, 2 amps maximum. Refer to step 7 for suggested connection and for splicing techniques.
- Connect wire 170-RD-18 to a source of unswitched power (+Battery). Refer to the machine schematic for the proper location to find +Battery. This must be unswitched power after the machine power disconnect switch. The connection must be fused at approximately 10 amps by one of the following methods: Separate 8D-8719 in-line fuse or a machine fuse.
Note: Before you begin wiring connections, disconnect the electrical system by opening the disconnect switch or by disconnecting the battery.
Connect wire 229-BK-18 to ground. Refer to the machine schematic for a proper location to attach to ground. An excellent ground location is at an existing machine grounding bolt that requires no splicing. Refer to step 7 for suggested connection and for splicing techniques.
Illustration 18 | g00664394 |
Ground Bolt |
Connect wire 403-GN to the alternator R-terminal circuit. You can connect directly to the R-terminal on the rear of the alternator, or you can connect to a convenient connector in the R-terminal wiring circuit. There will be either a 11 to 32 V square-wave from 0 to 2 KHz or a steady DC voltage equivalent to the battery present on this connection. Refer to step 7 for suggested connection and for splicing techniques.
Connect wire 308-YL-18 to any source of battery power that is controlled by the keyswitch. Refer to the machine schematic for a suitable location to connect to switched power. Most AVSpare schematics are colored to indicate the circuits that receive power when the keyswitch is ON. It is not recommended to splice into the MAIN key switch circuit if another circuit is available. Refer to step 7 for suggested connection and for splicing techniques.
If the machine has a AVS data link, proceed to Step 12. If the machine does not have a AVS data link, proceed to Step 13.
The two wires that connect to the AVS data link must be spliced into the existing AVS data link wires. The positive AVS data link wire 893-GN-18 is spliced into the existing positive AVS data link wire. On most machines this wire is 893-GN. On some machines, this wire is 944-OR. The negative AVS data link wire 892-BR-18 is spliced into the existing negative AVS data link wire. On most machines this wire is 892-BR. On some machines, this wire is 945-BR. Refer to step 7 for suggested connection and for splicing techniques.
Note: All AVS data link wires are twisted pairs. When you splice the new Product Link wires into the data link, ensure that the two wires are also twisted. The wires should be twisted from the Product Link module all the way to the location of the splice. The wires must maintain a twist rate of 2 turns per 25.4 mm (1 inch). The twisting is VERY IMPORTANT. The twisted wires reduces electrical interference.
Illustration 19 | g00658393 |
Example Of Splice Into AVS Data Link Wires At Existing Service Connector If wires are removed from their connectors, the wires must be terminated. The wires cannot be exposed to power or ground. (1) Existing Service Connector (2) Existing Twisted-Pair AVS Data Link Wires (3) Added 4-Pin Connector (4) Product Link Wiring Harness Datalink Wires (THESE WIRES MUST BE TWISTED) |
- Turn the disconnect switch to the OFF position. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. The wiring harness for the Product Link remains disconnected from the Product Link module.
- At the Product Link Module, use a 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to connect the negative lead of the multimeter to contact 2.
- For each of the following settings of the disconnect switch and keyswitch, connect the positive lead of the multimeter to the contacts that are shown in table 1.
Show/hide table
Table 1 Disconnect Switch OFF and Keyswitch OFF     Connector
Contact    12 Volt Machines     24 Volt Machines     1     0 DCV     0 DCV     4     0 DCV     0 DCV     5     0 DCV     0 DCV     Disconnect Switch ON and Keyswitch OFF     1     12 DCV     24 DCV     4     0 DCV     0 DCV     5     0 DCV     0 DCV     Disconnect Switch ON and Keyswitch ON     1     12 DCV     24 DCV     4     0 DCV     0 DCV     5     12 DCV     24 DCV     Disconnect Switch ON and Engine Running     1     12 DCV     24 DCV     4     Specified Alternator Output Value     Specified Alternator Output Value     5     12 DCV     24 DCV     Expected Result: The voltages are approximately the values shown in table 1.
- YES - The voltages are approximately the values shown in table 1. Proceed to Step 14.
- NO - The voltages are less than the voltages shown in table 1. There is a problem with the wiring harness. Repair the wiring harness and perform this procedure again.
- YES - The voltages are approximately the values shown in table 1. Proceed to Step 14.
- Connect the Product Link Module to the 170-7142 Harness. Secure the harness as shown in illustration 20.
Illustration 20 | g00736488 |
Properly Secured Wiring At The Product Link Module |
- The 185-7141 Warning Decal must be affixed to the dash or to another area of the cab that is visible to the operator. Do not affix the decal where the decal will obstruct the vision of the operator.
The initial installation of the Product Link module is now complete. Go to Service Manual Testing and Adjusting, "Setup" in order to properly configure the unit.
After setup is complete, and after verifying that the Product Link is functioning properly, perform the following steps:
- Verify that all of the mounting hardware is tight.
- Verify that all of the cable connections are tight.
- Verify that all of the cabling and wiring is properly secured.
- Replace all machine plates and guards that were removed during the installation.
- Verify that the machine operates properly.
- Verify that the Product Link module operates properly.
- Verify that the warning decal has been affixed.
- Verify that all of the mounting hardware is tight.