D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Functions Menu Caterpillar

Functions Menu
1.1. Function List Column
2.2. Toggle Switches
3.2. Bi-Directional Button

Function List Column

Illustration 1g06594532
Performance Page and Navigation Tray Page
(1) Menu button
(2) Close button
(3) Function List column
(4) "Autoshift" Toggle Switch (As shown in the OFF state)
(5) "Traction Control" (As shown in the ON state)
(6) "Stable Blade" Toggle Switch (As shown in the OFF state)
(7) "AutoCarry" Toggle Switch (As shown in the ON state)
(8) "Fan Purge" Toggle Switch (As shown in the OFF state)
(9) "Bi-Directional" button

Toggle Switches

The Function List column (3) allows the operator use a Toggle Switch to switch the following settings to the ON position (Green button) or to the OFF position (Gray button):

  • "Autoshift"

  • "Traction Control"

  • "Stable Blade"

  • "AutoCarry"

  • "Fan Purge"

  1. Press the Menu button (1) on the Performance Page. The Navigation Tray will appear.

  2. Press the intended Toggle Switch in the Function List Column (3).

When pressed, the Toggle Switch will be in the OFF (Initial) state when the switch has moved to the left and the right side of the switch is black.

Note: For the "Fan Purge" Toggle Switch (8), pressing the toggle switch will request a Manual reversing fan purge cycle. Once the request is given, the toggle switch will return to the OFF state. The toggle switch will not stay ON for the duration of the reversing fan purge cycle.

Bi-Directional Button

Pressing the "Bi-Directional" button (9) will navigate the operator to the "Custom Bi-Directional" page.

Illustration 2g06594549
Custom Bi-Directional Page

Note: For more information on the Custom Bi-Directional page, refer to the "Machine Settings Menu" section in this manual.

Information System:

D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Machine Settings Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Menu Navigation
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Display Settings
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