D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Menu Navigation Caterpillar

Menu Navigation
1.1. Navigation Tray
2.1. Feature Tile Row
3.1. Subpages
4.2. Page Identification
5.2. Back button
6.2. Home button
7.2. Menu Navigation Button
8.2. Toggle Switch
9.2. Scroll Bar with a Menu Sliding Indicator
10.2. Option (Radio) Buttons
11.2. Increment/Decrement Bar
12.3. Numerical Setting - Horizontal
13.3. Numerical Setting - Vertical

Navigation Tray

Illustration 1g06593962
Performance Page and Navigation Tray
(1) Menu button
(2) Close button
(3) Application Tile Row
(4) Feature Tile Row
(5) Function List Column

Pressing the Menu button (1) on any Performance Page will allow the operator to view the Navigation Tray. The Navigation Tray will allow the operator to access and operate the following:

  • Application Tile Row

  • Feature Tile Row

  • Function List Column

Feature Tile Row

Illustration 2g06593965
Performance Page and the Navigation Tray
(1) Menu button
(2) Close button
(3) Feature Tile Row
(4) "Settings" tab
(5) "Service" tab
(6) "Inform" tab

The Feature Tile row allows the operator to navigate to the following pages:

  • Settings

  • Service

  • Inform

  1. Press the Menu button (1) on the Performance Page. The Navigation Tray will appear.

  2. Press the intended tab in the Feature Tile Row (3).

    1. Press the"Settings" tab (4) to access the Settings page and view the Menu Navigation buttons.

    2. Press the "Service" tab (5) to access the Service page and view the Menu Navigation buttons.

    3. Press the "Inform" tab (6) to access the Inform page.

  3. Press the Close button (2) to close the Navigation Tile page.


Illustration 3g06593970
Settings Page
(1) Page Identification (Example: Settings)
(2) Back button
(3) Home button

Page Identification

When advancing to a subpage, the Page Identification (Example: Settings) (1) and the icon will appear in the upper left corner of the subpage.

Back button

Press the Back button (2) to return to the previous page. Pressing the Back button (2) will also set a changed setting.

Home button

Press the Home button (3) to return to the Performance Page.

Menu Navigation Button

Illustration 4g06593974
Display Page
(4) Menu Navigation button (Example: Language)
(5) Next page icon
(6) Toggle switch
(7) Current Setting Status field (Example: English)

The Menu Navigation buttons provides access to the main categories of information. These buttons are accessed from pressing tabs within the Feature Tile Row.

Pressing a Menu Navigation button will allow the operator to navigate to the next subpage. The Next page icon (5) shows the operator that there is a subpage with more information.

Once a setting has been made in the subpage, that status will be visible in the Current Setting Status field (7).

Toggle Switch

When the Toggle switch (6) is in the initial state OFF and is pressed, the Toggle switch (6) will be in the ON state when the left side of the switch is green and when the switch has moved to the right.

When the Toggle switch (6) is in the ON state and is pressed, the Toggle switch (6) will return to the initial state OFF when the switch has moved to the left and the right side of the switch is black.

Press the Home button (3) to return to the Home Page (Performance Page).

Illustration 5g06593977
Clock Set Page
(6) Toggle Switch

A Toggle Switch (6) can also be used to switch from one setting to another, as shown in Illustration 5. The operator cans use a Toggle Switch (6) to switch the hour from "12" to "24". If the Toggle Switch (6) is set to "24", the second toggle switch appears, allowing the operator to switch from "AM" to "PM".

Note: Refer to "Display Settings" for more information.

Illustration 6g06397267

Scroll Bar with a Menu Sliding Indicator

Illustration 7g06593981
Display Page
(8) Scroll Bar with a Menu Sliding Indicator

The display page can only show five menu buttons at a time. To view the remaining the menu buttons, use the Scroll Bar with the Menu Sliding Indicator (8). Press the black Down arrow button to scroll to the bottom of the list. Press the black arrow button to scroll to the top of the list.

The Menu Sliding Indicator of the Scroll Bar (8) will move along with the page.

If the arrow is gray, the arrow cannot be pressed and activated. This gray arrow is an indication that the list of menu buttons is either at the top or the bottom of the page.

Option (Radio) Buttons

Illustration 8g06593987
Language Page
(9) Option buttons

  1. Activate a desired Option button (9) by pressing the button. An activated Option button (9) will have a white circle in the center of the button.

  2. Deactivate an Option button (9) by pressing the button. A deactivated Option button (9) will have a gray circle in the center of the button.

Increment/Decrement Bar

The Increment/Decrement Bar allows the operator to increase or decrease a particular setting.

There are two types of Increment/Decrement Bars:

  • Incremental Setting

  • Numerical Setting

Illustration 9g06593993
Brightness Page
(2) Back button
(10) Increment/Decrement Bar
(11) Plus (+) button
(12) Minus (-) button

  1. Press and hold the Minus button (12) to decrease the setting, until the intended setting appears.

  2. Press and hold the Plus button (11) to increase the setting, until the intended setting appears.

  3. Press the Back button (2) to return to the previous page.

    Pressing the Back button (2) will also set a changed setting.

Numerical Setting - Horizontal

Illustration 10g06593998
Clock Set Page
(2) Back button
(10) Increment/Decrement Bar
(11) Plus (+) button
(12) Minus (-) button

  1. Press and hold the Minus button (12) to decrease the setting, until the intended setting appears.

  2. Press and hold the Plus button (11) to increase the setting, until the intended setting appears.

Note: The Numerical Setting can be scrolled back to zero or be scrolled up to the maximum number of the setting.

Press the Back button (2) to return to the previous page.

Pressing the Back button (2) will also set a changed setting.

Numerical Setting - Vertical

Illustration 11g06594006
Inc/Dec Step Size Page
(2) Back button
(10) Increment/Decrement Bar (Numerical - Vertical)
(13) "OK" button
(14) Up Arrow button
(15) Down Arrow button
(16) Home button

  1. Press and hold the Down Arrow button (15) to decrease the setting, until the intended setting appears.

  2. Press and hold the Up Arrow button (14) to increase the setting, until the intended setting appears.

  3. Confirm the setting by pressing the "OK" button (13).

    Note: The Numerical Setting can be scrolled back to zero or be scrolled up to the maximum number of the setting.

    Note: When the Increment Decrement setting is at the top of the list, the Up Arrow button (14) will not be visible. When the Increment Decrement setting is at the bottom of the list, the Down Arrow button (15) will not be visible. Scrolling in one direction will cause the other arrow button to appear.

  4. Press the Back button (2) to return to the previous page.

  5. Press the Home button (16) to return to the Home Page (Performance Page).

Information System:

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D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Performance Pages
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D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Functions Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display System Information Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Service Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Service Test Menu
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D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display General Information
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Service Tools