D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Diagnostic Operation Caterpillar

Diagnostic Operation
1.1. Troubleshooting Procedures
2.1. Event Identifier (EID)
3.1. Component Identifier (CID)
4.1. Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)
5.1. Limp Home Operation
6.1. Message Window
7.2. Clock (Real-Time)
8.2. Service Hour Meter
9.1. Information Message Banner
10.1. Bi-Directional Gear Settings and Mode Bi-Directional Touch Area

The Display Module displays events and codes in the service mode. The events and codes are reported by Electronic Control Modules (ECM).

Illustration 1g06592246
Performance Pages
(1) Alert Reminder Symbol
(2) Menu button
(3) Warning Banner

Illustration 2g06592248
Navigation Tray and Service Menu
(4) "Service" tile
(5) "Diagnostics" menu button

Illustration 3g06592523
(6) Diagnostics "E875(2)" button

The following list contains some of the functions of the display module:

  • The diagnostic codes of the ECM systems are displayed.

  • The settings for the ECM are displayed.

  • The machine status parameters are shown in real time.

  • The number of occurrences and the clock hour of the first and last occurrence are displayed for each of the events, active codes, and logged codes.

  • The definition for each logged diagnostic code and each event is displayed.

Note: Refer to "Service Menu" for more information.

Troubleshooting Procedures

The diagnostic codes can be viewed with the Display Module or Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool.

The following procedures may cause new diagnostic codes to be logged. Therefore, before any procedures are performed, make a list of all the active diagnostic codes to determine the system problems. When each procedure is complete, clear the diagnostic codes that were caused by the procedure.

Note: Before performing a procedure, always check all the circuit breakers. Repair the cause of any circuit breaker that has tripped.

Event Identifier (EID)

An Event indicates a reading that is outside of normal operating ranges but within component limits. An example might be a high oil temperature reading. The event will be identified by the ECM, the EID, and a time stamp.

Component Identifier (CID)

The Component Identifier is a four-digit number that represents a particular component on the machine. For example, each solenoid that is connected to the Machine ECM has an assigned number.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)

The codes for the Failure Mode Identifier are defined by SAE standards. The following list contains a AVSpare version of definitions.

Table 1
Failure Mode Identifier 
FMI  Description of Failure 
00  Data valid but above normal operating range 
01  Data valid but below normal operating range 
02  Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 
03  Voltage above normal or shorted high 
04  Voltage below normal or shorted low 
05  Current below normal or open circuit 
06  Current above normal or grounded circuit 
07  Mechanical system not responding properly 
08  Abnormal frequency, pulse, or period 
09  Abnormal update 
10  Abnormal rate of change 
11  Failure mode not identifiable 
12  Bad device or component 
13  Out of calibration 
14  Not used 
15  Not used 
16  Parameter not available 
17  Module not responding 
18  Sensor supply fault 
19  Condition not met 
20  Not used 

Limp Home Operation

The operator will be alerted of the Steering Limp Home option when a Level 3 Warning (Red) appears for one of the following Event codes:

  • E192

  • E256

  • E257

  • E258

The operator will be prompted by the following instructions:

  • Set Gear to N (Neutral)

  • Set Parking Brake

  • Low Idle Required

Illustration 4g06592539
Performance Page
(1) Limp Home Mode Icon

Once the operator has entered Limp Home Mode, the Limp Home Mode Icon (1) will be displayed in the Indicator and Message Window.

Message Window

Illustration 5g06596548
Performance Page
(1) Message Window
(2) Clock
(3) Engine Total Operating Hours

Clock (Real-Time)

The Clock (2) reading is shown in real time. The Clock (2) can be set to automatic or manual mode. The Clock (2) can also be set to 12-hour time (AM, PM) and to 24-hour time.

Note: Refer to "Display Settings" for more information.

Service Hour Meter

The Service Hour Meter (3) shows the operator how many hours the engine has been in service.

Note: Refer to "Totals" in the "System Information Menu" section of this manual for more information.

Information Message Banner

Illustration 6g06592550
(1) Information Message Banner

An Information Message Banner (1) is used to inform the operator on various incidents that do not have a warning or a fault code.

In Illustration 6, the Information Message Banner (1) is informing the Master Operator that the addition of another operator has been added successfully. A similar message would appear to inform the operator that the procedure was not successful.

This banner will be visible for 3 seconds.

Bi-Directional Gear Settings and Mode Bi-Directional Touch Area

Illustration 7g06596554
Performance Page-Gauges page (Left Side), Slope Assist page (Middle), and Camera page (Right Side)
(1) Runtime Information Banner
(2) Bi-Directional Touch Area
(3) Reverse Bi-Directional Gear Direction Setting
(4) Current Operator Desired Gear Direction Setting
(5) Forward Bi-Directional Gear Direction Setting

Located in the lower left corner of the Runtime Information Banner (1), the Bi-Directional Gear Settings allow the operator to view and adjust the gear and adjust the gear setting. Adjusting the gear setting allows the setting to be within what is considered the recommended and target gear settings.

By pressing the Bi-Directional Touch Area (2), the operator can navigate directly to the Bi-Directional Gear Setting page.

Illustration 8g06592570
Custom Bi-Directional Page

Note: Refer to "Machine Settings Menu" for more information.

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D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Display Features - Start-Up Procedure
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Performance Pages
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Display Settings
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Menu Navigation
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Machine Settings Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Functions Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display System Information Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Service Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Service Test Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display ECM Summary Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Operator Menu
D7 Track-Type Tractors Information Display Pop-Up Messages - Monitoring System Action Lamps and Warning Categories