Install and Test Fuel Injection Pumps Used on 3406B, 3406C, and 3406 PEEC Engines Using the 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group on the Fuel Injection Equipment Test Stand{1251} Caterpillar

Install and Test Fuel Injection Pumps Used on 3406B, 3406C, and 3406 PEEC Engines Using the 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group on the Fuel Injection Equipment Test Stand{1251} [NEHS0639]
Install and Test Fuel Injection Pumps Used on 3406B, 3406C, and 3406 PEEC Engines Using the 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group on the Fuel Injection Equipment Test Stand{1251}
1.1. Introduction
2.1. References
3.1. Safety
4.1. Nomenclature
5.2. 135-2916 Adapter Group
6.2. Drive Adapters
7.2. Required Pump Testing Tooling
8.1. TMI Specifications
9.2. Finding Test Specification Data When Engine Arrangement Level, Pump Group, and Governor Group Part Numbers Are Known
10.1. Installation
11.2. Attach Testing Hardware
12.2. 3406B and 3406C Non-Peec Engines
13.2. 3406 Peec Engines
14.2. Connect Hoses and Lines
15.2. Pre-Test Checks
16.1. Testing and Adjusting
17.2. Set-up
18.2. Testing


This procedure can be used on test stands equipped with either the 4C-8723 Jaw Assembly or the 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group.

The parts required to test the fuel injection pumps are listed in the charts in the Nomenclature section and must be purchased separately.



Before starting the procedure of mounting the fuel injection pump and tooling onto the test stand, make sure the Emergency Stop button is pushed IN. Another recommended safety precaution is to turn the power OFF and lock-out the electrical box. An SEHS7332 "Warning: Do Not Operate" tag should also be placed on the electrical box.

Illustration 1. Place Tag On Electrical Box When Working On Or Around Rotating Parts


135-2916 Adapter Group

The parts in Charts A, B, and C are part of the 135-2916 Adapter Group and required to test 3406B, 3406C, and 3406 PEEC Engines.

Illustration 2. 135-2916 Adapter Group (front mounting hardware). Refer to Chart A for item identification.

Illustration 3. 135-2916 Adapter Group (rear mounting hardware). Refer to Chart B for item identification.

Illustration 4. 135-2916 Adapter Group (injection pump hardware). Refer to Chart C for item identification.

Illustration 5. Front and rear support clamping hardware. (Common to many mounting groups.)

Drive Adapters

The drive adapters listed in Chart E are used on the original 25 mm (1.0 in) 4C-8723 Jaw Assembly or the new 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group. Refer to the Installation section and the charts below to determine the correct adapter. Refer to Charts F and G and Illustrations 6 and 7 for a list of drive adapters and associated hardware.

Illustration 6. Drive adapters with 25 mm (1.0 in) shaft diameters for use with 4C-8723 Jaw Assembly. Refer to Chart F for item identification.

Illustration 7. Drive adapters for use with 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling and Torque Tube. Refer to Chart G for item identification.

Required Pump Testing Tooling

Illustration 8. Rack preload and positioning assembly for 3406 PEEC Engines. Refer to Chart H for item identification.

Illustration 9. Injection Pump Testing Tooling. Refer to Chart I for item identification.

Illustration 10. TMI screen. Refer to procedure below to obtain pump specifications.

TMI Specifications

Delivery specifications are published "on-line" in TMI. To access these specifications, use the following procedure. For additional information on TMI, refer to NEHS0594.

Finding Test Specification Data When Engine Arrangement Level, Pump Group, and Governor Group Part Numbers Are Known

NOTE: The Step numbers below correspond to the item callouts in Illustration 11.

1. Type "GNK401". The cursor will automatically move to the next field.

2. Type in "12". Press "Enter".

3. Type in the pump part number in the "ARRG/GP NUMBER" field and press "Enter". This example shows a 6I-3060 part number.

4. Find the correct line number.

5. Type in the line number; "011". Press "Enter".

6. Scroll through the data using the "Enter" key.


This procedure was written using the 4C-8192 Heavy-Duty Coupling Group, which is the preferred coupling. Refer to Charts E, F, and G for the correct adapter and associated hardware depending on which coupling group is used on the test stand.

1. Push the Emergency Stop button IN.


Make sure the puller hole in the plug is facing out when the plug is installed. If the puller hole is facing in, the plug and possibly the fuel injection pump will be damaged when the plug is removed.

Illustration 11. Install Plug. Example of 8T-2849 Plug.
(A) Hole. (B) Threaded puller hole. (C) Cross-hole.

2. Install one of three plugs into the injection pump cam shaft. Install plug into hole (A) with the threaded puller hole facing out. The plug must be installed beyond hole (C).

a. Use the 8T-2848 Plug for 8N-9681 and 2W-5242 Fuel Injection Pumps. Make sure the 4W-4616 Quad Ring Seal is on the plug before installation.

b. Use the 8T-2849 Plug for almost all other fuel injection pumps that do not use the 8T-2849 Plug. Make sure the 4W-0435 Quad Ring Seal is on the plug before installation.

c. Use the 7H-2069 Bolt for all pumps having a threaded hole.

3. Install the drive adapter onto the camshaft of the fuel injection pump. Refer to Chart E to determine the correct adapter.

4. Install four OL-1143 Bolts and finger tighten.

5. Install the 9U-5297 Transfer Pump Opening Cover over the opening for the transfer pump (a gasket must be made to properly seal the opening). Use two 2A-0762 Bolts to attach the cover and completely tighten the bolts.

6. Attach the front adapter group and related parts to the pump, as shown in Illustration 2. Bolt the pump to the front adapter group using four, 3/8-16, 1D-4717 Nuts. Tighten the nuts finger tight.

Illustration 12. Install O-rings (1) and (2)

7. Install 1S-0004 O-ring Seal (1) and 8S-5953 O-ring Seal (2) into the O-ring grooves.

Illustration 13. Install Rear Support Assembly
(1) OS-1591 Bolt. (2) 3B-1915 Bolt.

8. Install the rear support assembly and related parts onto the pump, as shown in Illustration 3. Install two bolts (1) and (2) and finger tighten from underneath the pump.

9. Install the pump assembly (front and rear supports attached) onto the test stand rails with the appropriate hardware.

Illustration 14. Insert Timing Pin (1) To Tighten Adapter Bolts

10. Tighten the four drive adapter bolts to 44 ± 7 N·m (32 ± 5 lb ft). Use timing pin (1) to keep the camshaft from rotating when tightening the bolts.

11. Attach the drive adapter (pump end) to the heavy-duty coupling (test stand end).

a. Align the bolt holes of the torque tube on heavy-duty coupling with the threaded holes in the drive adapter.

b. Slide the pump forward and engage the drive adapter with the heavy-duty coupling.

c. Install six bolts and finger tighten.


If the flex plates are operated under axial load (pushed in or pulled out) the flex plates will be damaged.

d. Position the pump so the flex plates in the heavy-duty coupling are centered. There should be no loading in either direction (pushing or pulling) on the flex plates.

e. Use the 126-1827 Rod and rotate the coupling assembly to make sure there is sufficient clearance.

12. Finish tightening the mounting bolts.

a. Tighten the rail clamps for the front and rear supports.

b. Tighten the six pump mounting nuts and the two pump bolts on the rear mounting support.

c. Tighten the six bolts attaching the drive adapter to the heavy-duty coupling.

13. Lock the top section of the guard assembly in place.

Attach Testing Hardware

The first three steps of this procedure are the same for PEEC and Non-PEEC Engines. After completing these steps, proceed with the remainder of the installation depending on the type of pump.

Illustration 15. Install Rack Indicator Mount Bracket
(1) 7B-2742 Bolt. (2) 6V-6109 or 8T-9198 Bracket Assembly. (3) OS-1615 Bolt. (4) 8T-1002 Electronic Position Indicator Probe. (5) 5P-4814 Collet. (6) 5P-4160 Contact Point.

1. Attach the bracket assembly (2) with bolts (1) and (3). Install the 7B-2742 Bolt into the hole with the boss.

NOTE: Make sure the ball on the indicator contact point fits into the notch of the rack.

2. Attach collet (5) and contact point (6) onto electronic position indicator (4).

3. Install the position indicator group into the bracket assembly.

3406B and 3406C Non-Peec Engines

Steps 4 through 7 do not apply to PEEC engines.

Illustration 16. Install Lever Assembly
(1) 6N-3646 Lever. (2) 5P-0537 Washer. (3) 6V-8918 Bolt. (4) 9M-3858 Rack Preload Spring. (5) 1B-7182 Bolt.

4. Install lever (1) with washer (2) and bolt (3).

5. Install bolt (5) into hole as shown.

6. Hook spring (4) between bolt (5) and lever (1).

Illustration 17. Install Rack Positioning Assembly
(1) 9U-5296 Rack Assembly. (2) Original cover mounting bolts or 4F-7957 Bolt.

7. Install rack positioning assembly (1) with bolts (2).

NOTE: Use rack positioning assembly (1) as a "fuel ON" and "fuel OFF" control. Position the assembly to the full "fuel ON" position for all tests. Use the positioning assembly for rack adjustment.

3406 Peec Engines

Steps 8 and 9 do not apply to Non-PEEC engines.

Illustration 18. Installing testing hardware for 3406 PEEC Engines
(1) 9U-5292 Rack Preload Assembly. (2) 9U-5120 Spanner Wrench. (3) 9U-5295 Positioning Assembly.

8. Remove the BTM from the injection pump and install the 9U-5292 Rack Preload Assembly (1). Make sure the pin is properly located in the slot of the servo shaft. After installing the rack preload assembly, finger tighten the bolts.

9. Remove the shut-off solenoid with a 9U-5120 Spanner Wrench (2) and install 9U-5295 Positioning Assembly (3).

NOTE: Use rack preload assembly (1) as a "fuel ON" and "fuel OFF" control. Position the assembly to the full "fuel ON" position for all tests. Use the positioning assembly for rack adjustment.

Connect Hoses and Lines

Illustration 19. Connect Lube Oil Supply and Drain Hose
(1) 7G-7105 Hose. (2) 5P-6661 Fitting. (3) 9U-7709 Oil Drain Tube and two 5D-1026 Hose Clamps.

Illustration 20. Connect Fuel Supply and Return Lines
(4) 030-7947 Fitting, 3J-1907 O-ring Seal, and 7G-7105 Hose. (5) 8T-2160 Orifice Fitting, 3J-1907 O-ring Seal, and 7G-7105 Hose. (6) 9U-5298 Fuel Injection Line Tube Assembly (verify fuel line part number in TMI).

1. Attach one end of hose (1) to the Lube Oil Supply fitting on the test stand. Attach the other end to the 5P-6661 Fitting on the rear support.

2. Connect the oil drain tube (2) to the rear support and the test stand's stand-pipe with two hose clamps. On the AVM20-12C, the drain hose can be routed to the lube oil drain pan.

3. Install fitting, O-ring, and hose (4) onto the fuel injection pump. Connect the other end of the hose to the "Test Oil Supply" connection on the test stand.

4. Install fitting, O-ring, and hose (5) onto the fuel injection pump. Connect the other end of the hose to the "Test Oil Return" connection on the test stand.


Hold nut on 9U-6705 Master Nozzle when tightening fuel injection line tube assemblies (6). If the nut is not held in place during tightening, the master nozzle can be damaged.

5. Install six fuel injection line tube assemblies (6).

Pre-Test Checks

1. Remove the lock-out on the electrical box, if installed.

2. Release the Emergency Stop button.

3. Start the bench and visually check for oil leaks from covers, hoses, etc.

4. Check for oil flow through the drain tube. Also, check for oil flowing out of the oil shield on the front support; this is normal.

Testing and Adjusting


1. Attach the read-out unit to the 8T-1002 Position Indicator Probe.

2. Obtain the test specifications from TMI, such as direction of rotation, rack setting, rpm, delivery volumes, and OT specifications.

3. Release the Emergency Stop button.

4. Turn the test stand ON and stabilize the oil temperature.

5. Adjust pressures and temperatures.

a. Set Test Oil pressure to 210 kPa (30 psi).

b. Set Lube Oil pressure to 250 kPa (36 psi).

c. Set the the Test Oil temperature to the specifications provided in TMI.


1. Start the drive and adjust the speed. Refer to TMI specifications.

2. Verify that the fuel injection pump is pumping fluid.

3. Run the fuel injection pump for approximately two minutes to remove any trapped air.

Illustration 21. Setting The Zero Rack Position
(1) Plug (timing pin hole). (2) Tip of Position Indicator. (3) Lever of Rack Indicator Mount Assembly.

------ WARNING! ------

When plug (1) is removed and the timing pin is not in the hole, hot oil can splatter out of the hole. The oil temperature is usually 45°C (113°F) and can cause burns.


Illustration 22. Setting Zero Rack Position.

4. Set the zero rack position using the 6V-4186 or 7N-1048 Timing Pin and Steps 5 or 6 depending on type of pump.

5. Setting non-PEEC zero rack position.

a. Remove plug (1, Illustration 21) and insert timing pin.

b. Use governor lever and rack positioning tool to move the position of the rack until the timing pin falls into the slot.

c. Move the throttle lever to the maximum position until the rack movement stops against the pin. This is zero position.

6. Setting PEEC zero rack position.

a. Remove plug (1, Illustration 21) and insert timing pin.

b. Use rack preload assembly to move the position of the rack until the timing pin falls into the slot.

c. Move the positioning assembly to the maximum position until the rack movement stops against the pin. This is zero position.

NOTE: During this test, the governor control lever must be held in the full load position. Inaccurate test results will be obtained if the lever is not in the full load position.

7. Set the indicator to zero at zero rack position.

8. Turn screw (2) of the rack positioning assembly (CW). Verify the rack is moving in the minus direction; the reading on the indicator will be a negative number.

9. Check the travel distance of the rack. The normal operating range is from -4 to +6 mm.

a. Make sure tip (3) of the position indicator is against lever (4) of the rack indicator mount assembly.

b. Turn the rack positioning screw (CW) to a -4 indicator reading. Make sure the indicator contact point is touching the lever.

c. Raise the pin out of the rack slot, but do not remove from the hole.

d. Turn the rack positioning screw (CCW) to a +6 indicator reading. Make sure the indicator contact point is touching the lever.

e. If the indicator contact point does not contact the lever throughout the whole range of travel, readjust the indicator.

10. Turn rack positioning screw (2) until the indicator reading is less than zero.

11. Turn the rack positioning screw until the rack is snugly against the timing pin. (There will be slight pressure on the timing pin when it is rotated.)

12. The indicator reading should now be at zero. If the reading is not zero, repeat Steps 4 through 9.

13. Remove the timing pin and install the plug.

14. Make sure all test stand specifications are correct (rpm, pressure, temperature, etc.).

15. Turn the rack positioning screw to obtain the specified rack position and lock the rack into position.

16. Check the pump to determine if it meets all the TMI specifications. If it meets the specifications, refer to the appropriate Service Manuals for procedures to repair the fuel injection pump.

Information System:

General Maintenance And Troubleshooting For Fuel Injection Equipment Test Stands (FIETS) And 5P-4150 Nozzle Tester{0784}
1U-6161 Wire Feeder{0679, 0709}
Using The DDT NEXG4526 Electronic Ignition System Monitor Functions Service Program Module{1900}
9U-6701 Ultrasonic Wear Indicator II Program Module Replacement{4150}
Installation (Set Up) Instruction For The Caterpillar 350 Ton Track Press{0685, 4170}
9U7990 Counter Bore Tool Group for 3176, 3300 and 3400 Series Engines{1201}
9U-6700 Ultrasonic Wear Indicator II Group{4150}
Tool Operating Manual (9U-7400 Multitach II Group, 9U-7401 Multitach II, 9U-7402 Multitach Photo Group){0781}
Instructions for 1U9801 Ultrasonic Wear Indicator Program Module Replacement{0767}
Using The Inspection Borescopes 1U5268 and 8T9290 Borescopes
Installing a Calibration Fluid Suction Port on the Fuel Injection Equipment Test Stand{0782}
Using the 233-7191, 233-7192, 233-7193 and 265-4959 hose cleaning groups{5050}
9U-7500 Transmission Analyzer II{3030, 0783}
Using The Caterpillar TechStation{1000, 0781, 0785}
Using The 1U-6275 Or 1U-6276 Automatic Lubricator To Service The Undercarriage{0729, 4159, 4175, 4180, 0646}
Using the 149-4935 Measuring Group on A6, A7, and A8 Rexroth Hydraulic Pump and Motor Groups{0784}
Using the 173-1530 Injector Seating Tool Group on 3114, 3116, and 3126 MUI or 3116 and 3126 HEUI 2-Valve Engines{1290}
Caterpillar 189-1720 Analog Gauge Tester Group{0785}
User's Guide for the 169-0720 00000000000Vibration Analyzer Group{0000}
Leading Edge and Grab Point Reflectors for Ladder Steps, Ladder Rungs, and Handrails