953C Track-Type Loader Lubricant Viscosities Caterpillar

Lubricant Viscosities
1.1. Selecting the Viscosity
2.1. Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Selecting the Viscosity

The proper oil viscosity grade is determined by the minimum outside temperature. This is the temperature when the machine is started and while the machine is operated. In order to determine the proper oil viscosity grade, refer to the "Min" column in the table. This information reflects the coldest ambient temperature condition for starting a cold machine and for operating a cold machine. Refer to the "Max" column in the table in order to select the oil viscosity grade for operating the machine at the highest temperature that is anticipated. Use the highest oil viscosity that is allowed for the ambient temperature when you start the machine.

Machines that are operated continuously should use oils that have the higher oil viscosity in the final drives and in the differentials. The oils that have the higher oil viscosity will maintain the highest possible oil film thickness. Consult your dealer if additional information is needed.

Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Table 1
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures 
Compartment or System  Oil Type and Classification  Oil Viscosities  °C  °F 
Min Max  Min  Max 
Final Drive  Cat TDTO
Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN
commercial TO-4 
SAE 0W20 (1)  −40  −40  32 
SAE 0W30 (2) −40  10  −40  50 
SAE 5W30(2) −30  10  −22  50 
SAE 10W −30  −22  32 
SAE 30 −25  25  −13  77 
SAE 50 −15  50  122 
Cat TDTO-TMS(3) −30  25  −22  77 
(1) First Choice: Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN - SAE 0W-20. Second Choice: Oils of full synthetic base stock without viscosity index improvers that meet the performance requirements of the TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typical lubricant viscosity grades are SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, and SAE 5W-30. Third Choice: Oils that contain a TO-4 additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, or SAE 5W-30.
(2) First Choice: Oils of full synthetic base stock without viscosity index improvers that meet the performance requirements of the TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typical lubricant viscosity grades are SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, and SAE 5W-30. Second Choice: Oils that contain a TO-4 additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, or SAE 5W-30.
(3) Cat TDTO-TMS (Transmission Multi-Season) (synthetic blend that exceeds the TO-4M multigrade specification requirements).

Table 2
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures 
Compartment or System  Oil Type and Classification  Oil Viscosities  °C  °F 
Min Max  Min  Max 
Engine Crankcase(1)(2)and Pump Drive Gearbox  Cat DEO Multigrade
Cat Cold Weather DEO SYN(3)
Cat ECF-2
Cat ECF-1-a(4) 
SAE 0W30  −40  30  −40  86 
SAE 0W40 −40 40  −40  104 
SAE 5W30 −30  30  −22  86 
SAE 5W40 −30  50  −22  122 
SAE 10W30(5) −18  40  104 
SAE 10W40 −18 50  122 
SAE 15W40 −9.5  50  15  122 
Hydrostatic System  Cat HYDO Advanced 10(6)
Cat Cold Weather DEO SYN
Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN
Cat ECF-1-a
commercial TO-4 
SAE 0W20  −40  40  −40  104 
SAE 0W30 −40  40  −40  104 
SAE 5W30 −30  40  −22  104 
SAE 5W40 −30  40  −22  104 
SAE 10W −20  40  −4  104 
SAE 10W30 −20  40  −4  104 
SAE 15W40 −15  50  122 
Cat MTO −25  40  −13  104 
CatTDTO-TMS(7) −20  50  −4  122 
Hydraulic System  Cat HYDO Advanced 10(6)
Cat Cold Weather DEO SYN
Cat Cold Weather DEO-ULS SYN
Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN
Cat ECF-1-a, Cat ECF-2, Cat ECF-3
commercial TO-4
commercial BF-2 
SAE 0W-20  −40  40  −40  104 
SAE 0W-30 −40 40  −40  104 
SAE 5W-30 −30 40  −22  104 
SAE 5W-40 −30 40  −22  104 
SAE 10W −20 40  −4  104 
SAE 30W 10 50  50  122 
SAE 10W-30 −20 40  −4  104 
SAE 15W-30 −15 50  122 
CatMTO −25 40  −13  104 
Cat BIO HYDO (HEES)(8) −40 43  −40  110 
CatTDTO-TMS(7) −20 50  −4  122 
Equalizer Bar End, Pin Joint, Bogie Cartridge Pins, and Track Pins  Cat GO (Gear Oil)
Cat Synthetic GO(9)
commercial API GL-5 gear oil 
SAE 75W90  −30  40  −22  104 
SAE 75W140 −30 45  −22  113 
SAE 80W90 −20  40  −4  104 
SAE 85W140 −10  50  14  122 
SAE 90 40  32  104 
Track Roller Frame Recoil Spring and the Pivot Shaft Bearings  Cat TDTO
Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN
commercial TO-4 
SAE 0W20 (10)  −40  −40  32 
SAE 0W30 (11) −40  10  −40  50 
SAE 5W20 (11) −35  −31  32 
SAE 10W −30  −22  32 
SAE 30 −20  25  −4  77 
SAE 40 −10  40  14  104 
SAE 50 50  32  122 
Cat TDTO-TMS (7) −25  25  −13  77 
Track Idlers and Track Rollers  Cat DEO
Cat ECF-1
SAE 30  −20  25  −4  77 
SAE 40 −10  40  14  104 
SAE 5W40 −35  40  −31  104 
(1) Supplemental heat is recommended for cold-soaked starts below the minimum ambient temperature. Supplemental heat may be required for cold-soaked starts that are above the minimum temperature that is stated, depending on the parasitic load and other factors. Cold-soaked starts occur when the engine has not been operated for a period of time, allowing the oil to become more viscous due to cooler ambient temperatures.
(2) API CF oils are not recommended for AVSpare 3500 Series and smaller Direct Injection (DI) diesel engines. API CF-4 oils are not recommended for AVSpare machine diesel engines.
(3) Cat Cold Weather DEO SYN is an SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade oil.
(4) API CI-4, API CI-4 PLUS, and API CH-4 oils are acceptable if the requirements of AVSpare's ECF-1-a (Engine Crankcase Fluid specification - 1-a) are met. API CI-4, API CI-4 PLUS, and API CH-4 oils that have not met the requirements of AVSpare's ECF-1-a or ECF-2 specification may cause reduced engine life.
(5) SAE 10W-30 is the preferred viscosity grade for the 3116, 3126, C7, C-9 and the C9 diesel engines when the ambient temperature is between -18° C (0° F) and 40° C (104° F).
(6) Cat HYDO Advanced 10 is the preferred oil for use in most AVSpare machine hydraulic and hydrostatic transmission systems when ambient temperature is between −20 °C (−4 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F). Cat HYDO Advanced 10 has an SAE viscosity grade of 10W. Cat HYDO Advanced 10 has a 50% increase in the standard oil drain interval (up to 3000 hours) for machine hydraulic systems over second and third choice oils when you follow the maintenance interval schedule for oil filter changes and for oil sampling that is stated in the Operation and Maintenance Manual for your particular machine. 6000 hour oil drain intervals are possible when using S·O·S Services oil analysis. Consult your Cat dealer for details. In order to gain the most benefit from the improved performance designed into Cat HYDO Advanced 10, when switching to Cat HYDO Advanced 10, cross contamination with the previous oil should be kept to less than 10%.
(7) Cat TDTO-TMS (Transmission Multi-Season) (synthetic blend that exceeds the TO-4M multigrade specification requirements).
(8) Commercial biodegradable hydraulic oil (HEES) must meet the AVSpare BF-2 specification. The listed ambient temperature range is for the current Cat BIO HYDO (HEES), not for commercial BF-2 oil.
(9) Cat Synthetic GO is an SAE 75W-140 viscosity grade oil.
(10) First Choice: Cat Cold Weather TDTO SYN - SAE 0W-20. Second Choice: Oils of full synthetic base stock without viscosity index improvers that meet the performance requirements of the TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typical lubricant viscosity grades are SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, and SAE 5W-30. Third Choice: Oils that contain a TO-4 additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, or SAE 5W-30.
(11) First Choice: Oils of full synthetic base stock without viscosity index improvers that meet the performance requirements of the TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typical viscosity grades are SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, and SAE 5W-30. Second Choice: Oils with a TO-4 type additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE 0W-20, SAE 0W-30, or SAE 5W-30.

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