814 WHEEL TRACTOR Operating Techniques Caterpillar

Operating Techniques
1.1. Straight Dozing
2.1. Ditching
3.1. Side Hill Cut
4.1. Tree or Brush Removal
5.1. Push Loading

Straight Dozing

HEAVY DOZING: Tip blade forward a little to cut and pick up load. Tip blade back so skid shoe is flat on the ground. A channel will be formed by losses from side of blade. Move succeeding loads in this channel to reduce spilling. Downshift and/or raise blade if load slows machine. If blade digs in and raises rear of tractor, raise blade to keep cut even.

LIGHT DOZING: Keep skid shoe flat on ground to prevent blade sucking into the ground.

SLOT DOZING: Doze a slot the width of blade, deep enough to prevent material spilling at sides. Use for stock piling and high production.

STOCKPILING: Raise blade and push load to top of mound.

Work downhill when possible.

A full blade handles easier than a partially loaded blade when finishing or leveling.


SHALLOW "V" DITCHES: Tilt blade so low corner will remove enough material to leave a smooth path for tires. Repeat passes to obtain desired depth. Spread windrow. Clean existing ditches in the same manner.

LARGE DITCHES: Establish ditch line. Doze at right angles to centerline of ditch. Doze length of ditch to smooth sides and bottom when desired depth is reached.

Side Hill Cut

Tilt blade down on uphill side of cut to form level bench. Cut bench wide enough for machine to follow. Make starting cut with a series of downhill cuts if necessary.

Tree or Brush Removal


1. Remove dead limbs. Cut roots on side opposite direction of fall. Cut roots on sides parallel to direction of fall.
2. Ease into tree. Push in direction of fall with blade high. Build earth ramp if higher contact is needed.

------ WARNING! ------

Back away immediately when tree starts to fall. Do not drive on stump while tree is falling.

Never attempt to remove trees without a protective canopy on the machine.


SMALL TREES OR LARGE BRUSH: Make contact 12 to 16 inches (30 to 40 cm) above ground. Move forward while lifting blade.

SMALL BRUSH: Lower blade a few inches into ground and move forward. Lift blade when brush is out to remove earth from roots.

Push Loading

1. Raise blade slightly above ground level.
2. Match travel speed of scraper as near as possible when making contact.
3. Contact push block squarely. Keep blade or push cup from contacting scraper tires.
4. Tip blade back to transfer scraper weight to tractor, but only enough to help eliminate tire slippage.
5. Upshift tractor when cut is complete to help scraper pick up speed.
6. When tandem pushing, front tractor must be equipped with case mounted push block.